I confess, I am new to blogging and this is my first website, so similar to building a new home, there are bound to be a few things I need to fix up, possibly completely change, or hopefully based on your input some enhancements.
A brief tour. On the About page, you will find all kinds of information about me going all the way back to my childhood days. If you are new to central Texas area, under the Communities tab you will find some basic information from Wikipedia about several of the communities here. Austin of course being by far the largest. The Real Estate tab is one of those that still is a work in progress, so please come back. The plans are to show some of the real estate listings available currently in the central Texas area. The Home Keeper tab is something that will be of interest of anyone needing some form of service on your home. Do you need a roofer in the area? An electrician? Plumber? This is a good place to go to find someone. If you have someone I should add to my list, please recommend them.
Then our little tour will bring us back to here, my Blog page, where you will get more updates, sometimes trivial things, and other times big announcements.
By the way, if you own a home and want an estimate with a personal touch on its value, please fill out the registration form and I will be happy to let you know. Feel free to use the contact me directly also via email or my phone, Phone calls or text messages are fine with me.