My Neighbor Don

I grew up in a small farming community, Pierson, Iowa, in a large corner house across the street from the John Deere dealership, a block away from Brown’s Grocery store, and just a few houses away from who would eventually become my boyhood hero: Don Jahn. In addition to serving as my scout master and teaching me Morse code, camping, starting a fire without matches, tying knots, he helped me develop self confidence and demonstrated by example great character. All of this was great stuff, but it is not what made him my hero.

My stepfather, years earlier, had been injured in a tractor accident when a drunk driver hit him on the backend of the tractor on a highway and knocked my stepfather to the road. This resulted in permanent back injuries and made this proud 6’4” German man into a cripple for life. My parent’s finances turned from being able to financially provide for their family of seven children, to suddenly being dependent on government handouts. My summer days changed from enjoying playing ball, the camp outs at times and other boyhood activities to finding a job to help my family. So, what does this have to do with Don?

Well, hang on! My youngest brother Jamie was born with a defect in his hip that made it difficult, if not impossible to walk. The doctors tried a number of things to help him, such as special braces, which seemed to help for a few years, but they told my parents that when Jamie became older, he would need expensive hip surgery done to really fix it. There was no way my parents could ever afford this surgery and there were no other options for Jamie. Then our neighbor Don entered the picture. He had heard about our situation and asked my parents for permission to pursue getting the Shriners Hospital for Children to take Jamie’s case. Don was a member of Shriners and providing medical care for children in need was their specialty. It was not easy. It required a lot of time and effort on Don’s part and my parents to get Jamie accepted. Finally, the notice came, and Jamie was admitted to a hospital near Minneapolis, Minnesota. They also provided housing for my parents. The doctors were real professionals and the hospital care was fabulous. The smile I saw on my parents and Jamie’s faces when they came home, I will never forget. I had not seen my parents smile like that for years, ever since my father’s accident.

Therefore, Don Jahn is my hero, and this is why I make regular contributions to the Shriners Hospital for Children in Don’s name.

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