Note: There is a special twist at the end of this, and I will keep everyone updated via this blog.
The year 2020 will certainly be earmarked in history as the year of the global pandemic: Covid-19 . I am aware that some of my comments here may be upsetting to some, but this is my blog, so I get to say what I want. I have always been an advocate for protecting our constitutional personal rights (see Bill of Rights) and I believe governmental authorities of all levels have taken advantage of the pandemic to violate these rights. I believe we the people have once again, like with the Patriot Act passed by Congress after 9-1-1 advocated our rights to these leaders because of our fears. Fear of dying if infected, the fear of suffering if infected, the fear of infecting others, etc. etc. etc. I have made it clear on other posts on this blog that I am a man of faith, and my faith in God continuously provides me with an overwhelming sense of peace about my life, dying, and life after death.
There are of course those who say the pandemic is a hoax, created by government or someone to force us into our homes for other nefarious reasons. I believe this conspiracy theory is a hoax and I give it no credit here. There are those who are so driven by fear, that in conversations I have had with them, even with a national vaccine that health authorities have assured is safe, they will still not want to leave their home. I do not share their fears. There are some who believe the reported numbers are so bad that they cannot be trusted and we should be able to go back to normal (no masks, no social distancing rules, no restrictions on congregating in groups) today, now, without any further delay. I am not in this group either. I am more in the group where each person should be allowed to make their own decision, based on information they trust, and accepting the potential risks of getting infected.
I am also in the group who cross all these separate opinions that have an overlying love for my country, and I am willing to do what is necessary on my part to bring us back together and out of this pandemic. I am generally not one who is first in line to get a vaccine, I prefer to let others go first, and if there are no issues, I will get a vaccine. I have been vaccinated in the past couple of years for flu, pneumonia, tetanus, and shingles. My doctor knows I will listen to her advice, do my own research, and then decide if I am going to get vaccinated or not. This time it is different.
I was listening to one of my favorite financial news networks, CNBC, one morning and one of my favorite hosts, Jim Cramer, who was interviewing some of the drug companies who were running trials for a coved=19 vaccine. They were all commenting that they were having a tough time finding volunteers in the high-risk category for the stage three trials. Stage three is the final stage before seeking formal FDA approval. They were remarking that the trials are not helpful when only young, healthy adults volunteer. They want to be able to take the vaccines into nursing homes upon FDA approval. It sparked an interest. I am 66 (high risk) with numerous underlying conditions (high blood pressure, anemia, sleep apnea, acid reflux, hiatal hernia, and a few more) so I qualify as high risk. I took down the website provided by CNBC for volunteering and contacted them.
It was only a few days and I received a phone call from a research company doing covid-19 vaccine testing in Austin for Moderna. I completed an extensive questionnaire, and after submitting it via the web portal, I received an invitation to schedule an in-person visit. The visit was the first week of September 2020. I completed a 30 page consent form, answered a lot of medical related questions, had 8 samples of blood taken, cotton swabs pushed up my nose for a coved test, examined by the clinic doctor and then advised I passed and I was asked if I was ready to receive the first of two vaccines that day. I was. The vaccine as explained to me was the first of a kind using technology to inject the mRNA of the virus into my blood stream. This would cause my cells that fight infections to learn the vaccine and how to fight it (in theory). They explained there was a chance I would get the placebo and not the vaccine itself and they would not know, and neither would it. It was just the luck of the draw.
I went home after receiving the first vaccine and reported nightly any symptoms I was experiencing (fever, headache, body aches, nausea, etc.). I reported a few the first few hours but the next day I was feeling fine. I was told I could live my life normally with no restrictions but to report if I did pick up any coved like symptoms or if I had been exposed. I had not experienced any exposures or symptoms, so I waited until my next appointment to receive the second injection on September 22. I went into the clinic on September 22, received the vaccine, and went home. This time after receiving the vaccine my body reacted a little different. I felt rather hyped up like I had just drank a lot of caffeine, a headache, and my temperature went up to 100.3. The reportable level for identifying a symptom was 100.4. The next day however, everything was back to normal and no symptoms to report. The rest of week was normal with no symptoms to report. Friday, September 25th, things changed. I saw my regular doctor Friday afternoon for a routine physical exam. She took my temperature, and checked my vitals, my lungs, and other things they checked for an exam and everything was fine. I went home. I received a phone call from an unknown number at 6:30 pm from the clinical trial doctor and he was calling to share that my covid-19 swab test on Tuesday came back positive for coved. I was truly surprised given I had gone several days with no symptoms. My wife had left town, but I checked with her and she was feeling fine as well.
So, as I write this today, Sunday September 27th, I am still symptom free but supposedly positive for covid-19. Am I afraid now? Not at all. See back at the beginning of this post about my faith in God. I believe two things are happening with me right now: the vaccine is doing its job, and God is taking care of me. I know I am in good hands with God regardless if the vaccine is working or not.
So, I will use this blog for updates as I continue my covid-19 face off.