The preamble of our constitution starts with three important words: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Notice it does not say we the Democrats, or we the Republican, or we the Libertarians or any other party of your choice. It is an all inclusive we. It does define that the We is related to the people in the United States. The goal of we the people of the United States is to form a more perfect union…to establish justice AND insure domestic tranquility. Let me say those last three words again. Insure domestic tranquility.
If you have studied our nations history from the day our founding fathers first ratified the constitution, you know that we have never achieved our goals yet. Our founders themselves were very divided. The Federalists believed in a strong central government and leaders like George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were of this party. The Republicans were concerned that a strong central government would end up causing us to become like England with a monarchy and a parliament. The Republicans wanted the power to primarily reside within the states. Founders like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were Republicans. I would also draw attention that although these four men were deeply divided, they all four played a key role in the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and the constitutional convention itself.
Yes, we are a nation divided. We always have been. There have been events in our history that have pulled us together. The two world wars, the President Kennedy assassination, man walking on the moon, and of course more recently the terrorist attack on September 1, 2001. These events caused us to lay aside our policy or political differences and be joined together as a nation for a common cause. The differences in vision for what is best for our country will not change. The Democrat party of today resembles the Federalist party and the Republican party today still resembles the Republicans. Our goals remain the same…we are still the people of the United States, and we still desire a more perfect union, to establish justice and insure domestic tranquility. Let us not forget who we are and let us not forget what we have accomplished already in the short 220 years of our nation. This while under the leadership of forty-six presidents. Leaders of different beliefs but still with the same goals. Let us not wait for another major disaster to bring us together but let us show that we can agree to disagree, but we are still Americans and we love our country.